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Discover the nutritional power of microgreens
Have you ever heard someone tell you, "eat your greens?"  Some words of wisdom really never go out of style!  But even if you regularly eat veggies...
Follow your "gut instinct" - Discover the best foods for digestive health
The concept of countless bacteria living within the body might strike some as disturbing.  Yet, the truth is that every one of us has trillions of...
Promote weight loss with this delicious, heart-healthy berry
Black, plump and glossy, a ripe blackberry seems to perfectly represent the sweet essence of summertime.  (While fresh berries are the ideal, froz...
How pistachios pack a powerful punch in the journey to a healthier weight
With their naturally sweet-and-salty taste and chewy, satisfying consistency, pistachio nuts just may be the ideal snack. But these tasty little mo...
“Hidden Gems” – these jewel-toned seeds provide a jackpot of health benefits
It's hard to remain unaware of the "superfood" status of pomegranates and pomegranate juice.  Botanically known as Punica granatum, these reddish f...
Turn up the heat on health by embracing the goodness of hot honey
"Hot" honey - honey that has been infused with cayenne, habanero, or chili peppers - is taking the culinary world by storm.  Aficionados say that t...
This nutritious food can promote weight loss – while it packs on the lean muscle
While most people are aware that cottage cheese is a nutritious, diet-friendly food, many don’t realize the full extent of its contribution to heal...
Promote liver health with this elegant and unusual vegetable
Let us consider the artichoke.  Its appearance - featuring tough, interlocking dark green leaves - is somewhat unusual.  Its scientific name - Cyna...
Black beans: Tiny gems of health and beauty with antioxidant superpowers!
Are beans healthy?  While some people may want to avoid eating black beans - such as people with legume allergies or certain medical conditions li...
The under-rated mineral behind healthy bones, teeth, muscles and nerves
If you asked people to list the minerals most important to health, calcium - crucial for bone formation - would probably be number one.  Potassium...
Glorious garlic: How this pungent bulb protects your heart and more
Where would we be without garlic?  This flavorful little bulb - revered by gourmet chefs and home cooks alike - imparts its distinctive taste and ...
Say “Yes!” to yams - 4 compelling health reasons to eat this colorful root vegetable
Often confused with their lookalikes, sweet potatoes, yams could be said to be suffering somewhat of an identity crisis.  But yams and sweet potat...

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