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The “supergreen” from the sea – the important health benefits of wakame seaweed
While some people might think that eating seaweed holds little appeal, they may have enjoyed wakame without even knowing it. This nutritious sea ve...
Discover the “star” power of star fruit – how this emerging superfruit boosts health in 3 different ways
With a texture that manages to be both crunchy and juicy and a refreshing taste that ranges from mildly sour to pleasantly sweet, star fruit has a...
Cilantro protects against cancer-causing compounds in grilled meat
Cilantro, botanically known as Coriandrum sativa and sometimes called Chinese parsley, is treasured in Hispanic and Asian cuisine for its attractiv...
How the “sweet spice” helps maintain healthy weight and supports heart health
Once viewed as a luxury, the spice known as cinnamon was traditionally presented to kings by those looking to gain royal favor.  Nowadays, of cours...
3 compelling reasons to “go bananas”
Let’s face it - bananas are such a familiar, commonplace food that they are sometimes taken for granted.  For example, they don’t receive nearly th...
Discover 4 valuable benefits of apricots
With their velvety texture and lovely coloring - rosy streaks over a background of deep, golden yellow - ripe apricots resemble small peaches.  Thi...
3 compelling health benefits of tangerines
Tangerines – a variety of mandarin orange – are a naturally sweet and satisfying snack.  As most people are aware, these succulent fruits are an ex...
Discover how heart-healthy strawberries also support cognition and memory
Natural health experts, knowledgeable nutritionists and conventionally trained doctors alike emphasize the importance of “eating the rainbow” – con...
CoQ10 - Why you need this indispensable nutrient
As baby boomers enter their “golden years,” the forecast - for some – doesn’t look so bright.  According to the National Institute of Aging, four o...
3 “can’t miss” health benefits of miso soup
Pale, translucent and innocuous-looking, miso soup is not one of the more bold or colorful dishes to grace a table.  But this unassuming Asian soup...
Discover 4 impressive benefits of kiwi fruit
With its fuzzy brown peel, brilliant emerald green interior and a taste reminiscent of fresh blueberries and lemons, the kiwi fruit is truly a feas...
Mellow mineral – How magnesium supports calm mood
While magnesium may not get as much attention as nutritional “superstars” like vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, this hard-working essential mineral i...

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