How Organic Food and Pesticides Affect Your Cancer Risk

Eating organic food - for its health benefits - has become a hot topic of conversation over the past several years. For example, many documentaries have educated the public about the danger of pesticides on our food supply. Yet, conventional 'wisdom' would have us still believe that toxic chemicals on our food pose no serious cancer risk.
So, who should we believe? In most cases, the best answer is to simply 'follow the money!' Think about it: why do you think the largest chemical manufacturers in the world want us to believe that their products are 'perfectly safe?' Could it be to protect their profits?
Step one in the thinking process: What are pesticides and do they pose a real threat to our health?
In many cases, when you read about the 'use of pesticides' - it also (often) refers to: herbicides, fungicides, and disinfectants. Unfortunately, the widespread use of these toxic chemicals have been linked to a number of different health concerns, especially among children.
Bottom line, these substances do place an enormous amount of (toxic) stress to the liver and other internal organs of our body. And, that's why I often say that detoxification is a MUST. In fact, along with a health diet, I personally use LuvByNature LiverLuv (every day) to help protect my body against these toxic threats.
The younger generation should be very concerned about pesticides
In reality, children are particularly susceptible to the negative health outcomes from pesticide exposure. Over the years, more research has linked pesticide exposure in children to adverse health effects such as neurodevelopmental effects.
In addition, pregnant women have to be careful when it comes to pesticide exposure as it has been found to cause health issues for babies in utero as well.
WARNING: Pesticide exposure increases your risk of cancer
So, what about cancer? Are pesticides linked to the development of cancer? (absolutely!)
In truth, many studies have found a connection between the two, and the proof is in the pudding when you look at rates of cancer among farmers and families of farm workers. Of course, you will always be able to find some chemical corporation-backed 'scientific' report that claims otherwise.
But, seriously, any reasonable person can see how profit-driven agendas can make up fake studies - with the hope of deceiving the public about the 'safety' of pesticides and non-organic food.
The fact remains: cancer rates go up ... the more you're exposed to these pesticides. That's a higher rate of cancer including: prostate, ovarian, and skin cancer.
And, let's not forget: DDT - which is a pesticide linked to breast cancer. This poisonous substance was discontinued because it "persists in the environment, accumulates in fatty tissues, and can cause adverse health effects on wildlife."
With such a strong link between pesticides and cancer, it is critical that we take the necessary steps to eliminate our exposure to these toxins. In fact, another great way to help neutralize the negative effects of toxins is to be sure you maintain a healthy level of vitamin C in the body - at all times - throughout the day.
My #1 choice for vitamin C supplementation is LuvByNature Liposomal Vitamin C + Quercetin. (Just one spoonful equals over 6,000 mg of vitamin C powder!)
Make lifestyle choices a TOP priority: Eating organic food will reduce your risk of cancer
Make no mistake about it: one of the best ways to eliminate your exposure to certain pesticides is to start eating organic foods. Organic foods are grown without the use of harmful herbicides and pesticides making your exposure lower.
And, if you're concerned about cost ... a great idea is to check out your local, farmers market. Even though many of these farmers may not be "certified organic" growers ... they tend to avoid the use of chemicals. Get to know your farmer and always ask questions before you buy.
Another option is to follow "The Clean 15" and the "Dirty Dozen" list which is put together by the Environmental Working Group - each year - indicating which foods are most heavily sprayed with pesticides. This list serves as a great guide when it comes to choosing which foods you should always be purchasing organic and which foods you can get away with buying conventional.
Is your food really organic?
Eating organically is just one piece to the puzzle, you also have to decipher food labels to make sure the foods you are eating are actually organic. Here are some terms to look out for.
100% organic: Means that all of the ingredients in the product you are buying are organic.
Organic: Just because something says “organic” doesn’t mean that it contains 100% organic ingredients. In order for a food to be classified as organic, it only needs to contain 95% organic ingredients.
Made with organic ingredients: Made with organic ingredients means that at least 70% of the ingredients must be organic.
In conclusion, there is a very clear link between pesticide exposure and cancer. Children are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of pesticides, and pregnant women should be very careful about her exposure during pregnancy.
To help reduce your risk of cancer-related to pesticides, buy organic vegetables and fruit - as much as possible; opt for grass-fed and organic animal products and use high quality nutritional supplements - to protect yourself from harm.
Remember, a little effort can have big rewards.
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